Tuesday, March 22, 2011

More sisters are becoming less secret

The Secret Sisterhood is Still Strong

Resident assistant Catherine McCoy became concerned when she noticed the residence on her floor becoming inclusive with their certain group of friends. McCoy wanted to invent a way where everyone body on her floor knew everyone. McCoy came up with a program called going grey.

Going grey is a program where everyone on the floor will be given a secret sister. The objective is for the residence to get to know their secret sister, without giving themselves away. Each residence will have to give an encouraging note,clues to who you are, and a gift no more than fifteen dollars.

Going grey is the resulting color is a mix of all the racial colors. McCoy has noticed that the residence certain group of friends were all the same race, but some residence would talk to a different race. McCoy combined all the races into one to make one program for everybody. Red is native american and hispanics,white is caucasian, black is african american,brown is Indian from the asian-indian subcontinent and,yellow is asian, mixed together is grey.

“This program is important to me because I would like to see more new friendships on the floor and if young people can see beyond skin color then it will help make it better for future generations,” McCoy said. The program will last all for the entire spring semester. Everyone is supposed to get a little gift, clues about who their secret sister is, and an encouraging note to brighten up their day.

Nine weeks later the third floor of Hefley is filled with candy, cards, and notes. There is a lot of talk on the floor on how effective this program still is. Everyone is trying to guess the big mystery on who there big sister is. No one has really received any clues from their mystery sister on who they really are.

“I still have no idea who my big sister is, the guessing is exciting but still frustrating at the same time ” Laiken Russell said. The wait is still on as the end of the semester approaches for the residence of Hefley Hall.

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