Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ole Miss Housing Problems

Ole Miss Housing

With a growing population at Ole Miss, the Housing Department has the need to update and build new Residences Halls. There are plans in the works to tear down existing Halls and build new ones in their place.

“There are plans to tear down Miller and build a new dorm in place of it,” said Kevin Morris, a RA in Deaton Hall. The plan for the new dorm is to have around 720 new beds in the Residence Hall.

Along with the deconstruction of Miller, there are also possible plans to tear down Kincannon and Guess and build dorms on their location. Morris was unsure of a time line of when the construction will begin.

Morris was unaware whether only freshman would be allowed to live on campus next semester. “It usually depends on the year and the mount of incoming freshman. Housing placement is guaranteed as long as there is room,” said Morris.

With the increase in freshman it is also forcing upperclassman living in the dorms to find new living arrangements. “A good friend of mine that has lived in Deaton Hal for the last three years has to find a new place to live for his senior year,” says freshman Alex Nichols.

Nichols also noted that living off campus is far less convenient because of transportation issues. The new bus system on campus should alleviate some transportation problems but the increase in off campus commuters could put a strain on public transit.

There are plans in the works for future expansion of the Ole Miss housing system, which will offer room for the next generation of Ole Miss students.

For more information on dorm details for 2011-2012, you can visit

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