Thursday, May 5, 2011

Diversity Assignment- John Fulton

Diversity Assignment


What is your name?

-“My name is John Fulton.”

How old are you?

-“I am 29 years old, but being on campus makes me feel 21 again.”

Where were you born and raised?

-“I was born in Memphis, Tennessee and raised there. My parents are from Spain and that is where I get my Spanish features.”

What is your major?

-“I graduated from Ole Miss with a degree in Parks and Recreation.”

How long have you been at Ole Miss?

-“I opted for the five year plan here at Ole Miss. I have been gone for about six years now”

What is the university’s greatest strength?

-“I think Ole Miss’ greatest strength is the student body. I feel like our campus has a lot more pride than other schools in the area, and in the SEC for that matter.”

What will be the university’s biggest challenge in the 21st century?

-“I could see the university having a hard time adapting to many foreseeable changes the future will bring. Everyday something changes with technology or politics and some people in the South will have a tough time adapting.”

If you had to grade the university on diversity and cross-cultural relations what score would you give?

-“I would give the university an A. Since I have graduated I can tell that there is a more diverse student body on campus. When I was here things were a little different, but not too different.”

What is one thing you think needs to be done to improve campus diversity?

-“I think Ole Miss could do a better job of dealing with diversity by realizing that accepting diversity doesn’t mean changing who we are. By example, I don’t think we should have gotten rid of Colonel Reb.”

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